Monday, October 25, 2010


I have been trying to find numbers on how many restrooms should be provided in a high density, new urbanization project with no luck.
Finally my best source was my brother who managed 4 of the largest post Katrina camps.  He said FEMA tried to provide 1 toilet per 15-20 people.  There are of course some key differences in the situation.  Most importantly FEMA was dealing with porter potties and they HAD to be emptied on a daily basis.
I am fairly confidant that these Haiti sites will not have enough space or resources to pump toilets.
The second key difference is that the typical diet of an American and a Haitian, are, well, very different. 
So, we arrived at the number one toilet per 25 people.  In his experience this would not leave people waiting for long periods.

So the question remains what kind of system should be used.
- conventional sewer systems are expensive to install, and maintain and are a strain on the environment to maintain.
- septic systems create a similar environmental problem, are less expensive to install, but require semi-regular maintenance.
- composting toilets require some maintenance on the part of the user and a considerable amount of effort on the part of the municipality.  They are, however, much more healthy for the environment and the users.
- a Bio-fuel waste system is in ways a cross in between a conventional sewer and composing toilets.  Many have been put in place around the world and are extremely successful.  It involves a localized system that collects into a digester, and creates extremely beneficial bi-products of bio-gas and fertilizer.

Note, that no mater the system, the building should be on a plinth, the height of which depends on the system.

High estimate of people per block = 400/25 = 16, 8 per sex 
As many sinks have been provided for cooking, washing, and general sanitation.  The area in front of the sinks should be generous, as it will most likely become a place for socializing.
4 showers have been provided.

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