Monday, October 11, 2010

1 mile by 1 mile city grid 2

A one mile by one mile city (one squared mile) grid that diagrams the neighborhood blocks, city facilities and different street widths locations.  This city's main facilities would be at the center of the grid while secondary facilities would be at the corners for possible expansion.  The 30 feet wide streets occurs every half a mile whereas 15 and 20 feet wide streets alternate within the grid in the longitudinal and lateral directions.  In order to break down the grid even further, a quarter of a mile is subdivided by curved streets.  For example the top left quarter, is divided into a three by four grid using the curved streets.  The curved streets' purpose is to getaway from the strict rigid lines every so often.  In addition, it also gets away from the long, straight views down a street.

neighborhood blocks- white.
city facility nodes- teal.
30 feet wide streets- black.
15 or 20 feet wide curved streets- blue.

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