Wednesday, October 27, 2010


1.The residential blocks will be served, at least initially, common facilities.  This centralization is a great opportunity to institute composting toilets, collection and fertilizer depot.  Creating this infrastructure will provide much needed fertilizer for much needed intensive agriculture.

Soil is a non profit working to provide composting toilets in and outside of Haiti right now.

2. The secondary spacial drivers in these developments will be educational facilities to serve 60% of the population. These high density schools will be excellent opportunity to install solid waste bio-fuel processing, which have been installed in discrete institutions and developments all over the world.  Bio-fuel has two valuable bi-products for humane life, in addition to sustainably processing waste.  The bi-products are gas, which can be used for cooking in the schools, or if plentiful, used as fuel for a co-generator.  Also the solid waste digesters begin the process for creating fertilizer.  That product can also be collected and taken to the fertilizer depot.  

Here are some examples of bio-fuel projects:

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