Monday, October 18, 2010

Data for second scheme

Similar to first plan however there is more open area. There is enough area per block to fit up to 35 units maximum.

Low end, 29 units per block, same as first plan: 

People per unit:
•  250 s.f. = 4 people
•  400 s.f. = 8 people
•  600 s.f. = 12 people

Units per block: 29 total

People per block based on these numbers:
•  208 people

Blocks per square mile:
•  768 blocks total each 200'x150'
•  80 (200' x 150' plots) reserved for city use (that's 2,400,000 s.f.)
•  688 reserved residential compounds 

•  Units: 688x29 = holds 19,952 units total
•  People: 688x208 = holds 143,104 people
In a one square mile city
High end: 35 units per block, counting additional six units as small units which hold 4 people each:

People per unit:
•  250 s.f. = 4 people
•  400 s.f. = 8 people
•  600 s.f. = 12 people

Units per block: 35 total

People per block based on these numbers:
•  232 people

Blocks per square mile:
•  768 blocks total each 200'x150'
•  80 (200' x 150' plots) reserved for city use (that's 2,400,000 s.f.)
•  688 reserved residential compounds 

•  Units: 688x35 = holds 24,080 units total
•  People: 688x232 = holds 159,616 people
In a one square mile city...........

14 square miles x 159,616 people = 2,234,624 people

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