Monday, October 18, 2010

connecting open spaces scheme

The top image just indicates where on the one squared mile (from an earlier post) of the bottom image is located.
Our first attempt to show connecting open spaces of neighborhood blocks.  This does not take into account the actual neighborhood block scheme.  This is purely a diagrammatic of how we want to connect open spaces together.  The lime green squares with rounded corners are neighborhood block courtyards and the linear ones are pedestrian or vehicular pathways.  The black thicker lines are still the 30 feet roads and the blue lines are 15 and 20 feet roads.


  1. hello there,

    I was wondering if you can explain a little bit how this scheme of open
    spaces will work.
    Are they all public spaces or private? also, i'd like to know if you have considered any activities or functions or something in these open spaces.

  2. Hi Miguel,

    We were thinking that the open spaces would function as courtyards that would be shared by a particular number of units within a given block. In these courtyard spaces, there would be designated communal restroom buildings, one for women and children and another for men, for instance. Also there would be communal garden spaces or designated gardening plots, perhaps. Other areas may have a designated play space. We were also thinking that a small roadway would have limited access into these open spaces such that restrooms could be serviced.
