Monday, October 11, 2010


·         think BEDS
·         think SECURITY
o    esp. concerning WINDOWS
§  windows are often seen as portals for evil spirits.  openness should be highly controllable should be provided
§  windows are needed for VENTILATION: mid range for cross and/or high and   low windows for stack  
o    FOOD security: locked community gardens, veranda gardens

·         think COMMUNITY
o    plan for SMALL GROUP development – SEMI PUBLIC, SEMI PRIVATE space
§  these areas will provide higher levels of SECURITY
§  people are more comfortable with carrying on their OUTSIDE LIFE STYLES: cooking, eating, washing, drying cloths, growing food, selling goods …


  1. Hello, I'm a student from ESA in Paris, and would like to contribute with some ideas for your brainstorming.

    I think more emphasis should be put on future expansions as well... are you considering a more concentrated city... vertical growth and two or three story homes? or will your city expand horizontally when population increases?
    Also, the issue of community identity is managed not only with public space but with the understanding of the culture. How do these communities function? Do people work in their own homes or do they have to travel to work? If so, how do we manage this in the urban plan? Is there a public market? etc.

  2. Hi thank you for your comment!

    Here we have designed along the lines of single story buildings. In a mile radius, we are designated a certain number of blocks for city-function spaces which will house the water treatment, community center, city hall, postal service, grocer, schools, etc...or any other civic, official, or service facility that will be of need... It would be horizontal growth, not that perhaps these patterns could not someday become vertical.

    As for the second point of culture in community, we are thinking residents would have the opportunity to sell items directly from some of their housing units (live/work) as streets would abut most of the units and there would be plenty of porches and walking space to service house-shops... The city centers would be in walking distance, as each city is designed to have its "core" within roughly a .25 mile radius (cars are very scarce). Public markets would be a quarter mile away from a given unit as they would be located in the city center areas.

    I hope this helps.
